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Getting Around Town – The Ins and Outs of Transportation for UCSB Students

When you first move to UCSB, getting around in general is going to be perplexing because you don’t know where you’re going. However, knowing how to get around in certain areas will DEFINITELY make a huge difference in your life, and reduce a lot of that needless stress.

When you first move to UCSB, getting around in general is going to be perplexing because you don’t know where you’re going. However, knowing how to get around in certain areas will DEFINITELY make a huge difference in your life, and reduce a lot of that needless stress.

One thing that I learned right away is that if you are living at Tropicana Del Norte, or really anywhere in IV, and you’re going to UCSB, a car is a complete hassle. My first night I needed to go to pick up some odds and ends from Isla Vista Market, and a couple of my new roomies wanted to come with me. Being from a town where parking was abundant and everyone just drove everywhere no matter what the distance, I decided to drive there from Trop. What would have been a nice and brisk 5-minute bonding stroll with my roommates turned in to a 45-minute hassle because there was absolutely zero parking available next to Isla Vista Market! How far was it from Trop? Less than 5 blocks. It was definitely a Freshman mistake that I suggest you not repeat. Isla Vista is less than one square mile, and nearly all restaurants and shops are centrally located within the 10 block radius.

One way you can save money on gas if you do bring your car is carpooling with friends and splitting the costs of driving. Carpooling to pick up a few things to decorate your living room is a great way to save on gas, as well as bond with your roommates! Carpooling will likely come in especially handy when you start making your plans to head home for Thanksgiving or Winter Break. You’ll be making tons of friends here at Tropicana, and there’s a good likelihood that you’ll meet someone who is headed the same direction as you are.

You may be asking yourself about getting around to shops and restaurants that are not in the Isla Vista area, such as K Mart, Bed Bath and Beyond, or Costco in Goleta, or Santa Barbara’s downtown shopping at the Paseo Neuvo Mall. One of the best things about being a UCSB student is the unlimited access to public transportation via the MTD Bus system. When you arrive to UCSB, make sure that one of your first stops is the UCEN. You can take your Student ID Photo and pick up your ID card right on the spot! You’ll also receive a sticker that shows that you are currently enrolled, which will grant you access to any bus, any time of day. Check out the Bus Schedule here:

Riding a bicycle is…well…just like riding a bicycle! You never really forget how to ride one, but you may need to brush up on your skills. Upperclassmen at UCSB, who are seasoned pros when it comes to riding their beach cruisers and fixies, can spot a freshman cycler a mile away. Good thing too, since it’s unlikely the first week of school will be fender bender free with the amount of traffic at the roundabout bicycle intersections. My recommendation is to take a bit of time the week before classes start to refresh your coordination and reaction time, before heading into full on bicycle traffic.

Pro skater? Syck bro! You can get around just about everywhere on campus on your skateboard, BUT you have to be mindful of how you get around. Skateboards don’t belong on the bike path. Many parts of campus have a designated skateboarding zone on the sidewalk specifically for boarders, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding room to skate when you’re on your way to class.

Tropicana Del Norte is less than five minutes walking distance to most things on campus, as well as IV. Sometimes it’s nice to stop and smell the birds of paradise.

When you’re heading home for breaks and long weekends, you may want to take a train ride, or fly if timing is a factor. Luckily there is an Amtrak train station a short bus ride away on Hollister in Goleta, as well as an airport right in UCSB’s backyard. For information about the train and to buy your ticket online, check out their website: For information on flights out of Santa Barbara Airport, check them out here:

Tropicana Del Norte Announces Apple iPad® Sweepstakes Winner

Isla Vista, CA – June 25, 2013 –Tropicana Del Norte announced the winner of its Apple iPad sweepstakes this week. The lucky winner was Edward Gaspar of Huntington Beach, California, who entered for a chance to win an Apple iPad after taking a tour of Tropicana Del Norte Residence Hall for UCSB Students. Gaspar is a Group Lead for Logistics at JC Penney. His daughter, Cynthia, a Southeast High School graduate, will be the first member of the family to attend UCSB as a freshman next year. She is undecided, but may major in Biology.

“We were delighted to give Mr. Gaspar and his family a tour of Tropicana Del Norte Residence Hall, said Dave Wilcox, Executive Director , “and we hope that he enjoys his new ipad.”

Winner Gaspar said he will share the iPad with his family. “I am so surprised; I never win anything!”

Tropicana Del Norte Residence hall, at 6525 El Colegio Road, Goleta , is located directly adjacent to UCSB’s main campus. Tropicana provides UCSB freshmen and continuing students with suite-style living and an unlimited dining plan. In addition to the onsite café, rec room and 24-hour study lounge, Tropicana Del Norte offers UCSB students amenities not found in a typical dorm: an onsite fitness center, private movie theater, heated pool and a tanning lounge. To schedule a tour, visit or call (805) 968-0351.

Tropicana Gardens Residence Hall Welcomes Kobe Basketball Academy

Santa Barbara, CA – July 10, 2013 – Tropicana Gardens is proud to welcome Kobe Basketball Academy for its 2013 summer camp. This year, Tropicana will be providing housing for over 600 participants, who range in age from 8-18. With its convenient proximity to the UCSB Thunderdome, Tropicana Gardens is in easy walking distance for the campers, with suite-style accommodations and an on-site Café in its residence hall.

“Being a basketball fan myself, I am excited that Tropicana Gardens is again hosting Kobe Bryant’s amazing camp this summer,” said David Wilcox, Executive Director. “The kids love that they get to meet Kobe and get a signature from him while attending the camp.”

Zellie Hudson, Kobe Basketball Academy Camp Director, says, “We look forward to another great year at UCSB and Tropicana Gardens.”

Kobe Basketball Academy was founded in 2006. For more information, see the Kobe Basketball Academy website.

Tropicana Gardens residence hall is just blocks from UCSB’s main campus. During the academic year, Tropicana Gardens provides Santa Barbara City College students a campus residence hall living experience with furnished suites, and an unlimited dining plan and a direct bus to SBCC. Tropicana Gardens is known for its exceptional student life programs, its lush resort-style setting and amenities such as a heated pool, fitness room, rec room and 24-hour study lounge.

What is a Resident Assistant in College?

A Resident Assistant (RA) is a peer who makes sure that your residence hall community is safe, fun, and academically conducive place to live for you and your neighbors. They work to make your overall experience at Tropicana Del Norte a positive one. As a former RA, I’ll be completely truthful; it isn’t easy. Being an RA was one of the most challenging, yet enriching, experiences of my life. I met so many people from diverse backgrounds, and I like to hope that I made a positive change in their life by making their freshmen year a memorable and fulfilling experience.

There are three basic things that all RAs are responsible for: building community, peer counseling, and community standards.

  1. Building Community. RAs are a conduit for bringing residents together and sparking friendships. Coming to Santa Barbara, you’ll likely not know anyone, and that’s okay. Your RAs job is to put on fun, social, and educational programs and events where you can meet your neighbors and build relationships. Have a special interest? Tell your RA and work with them to put on a program or event.

  2. Peer Counseling. Not seeing eye-to-eye with your roommate? Unsure about where to buy your books? Looking to find out more about getting involved at Trop? You RA can help! RAs are your go-to guide and peer advisor, here to help you establish your new life as a student here at UCSB. They’ve been here for a year or more already, so they’ve already gone through a lot of the things you’re going through now. Take advantage of their valuable knowledge.

  3. Community Standards. RA’s help maintain the safety and academic atmosphere of our building, ensuring that laws and our residence hall community standards (such as quiet hours and alcohol/drug policies) are being followed. When the RAs perform community walks at various times throughout the night, they would like to make it a social visit, just stopping by to say hi. Invite your RA in and get to know them!

You can read the Tropicana policies in our Residence Hall Handbook. Think of your home as your safe haven where you and your roommates can study and sleep in peace. All other activities that are not conducive to an academic environment should be done elsewhere.

Tropicana Student Living Residence Life Staff 2012 – 2013

Your Resident Assistant won’t be a cookie cutter stereotype; each RA is different and colors the role with his or her own personality. Each individual will bring something different to the table. For example, some RAs are really creative and great at arts and crafts, while other RAs love to play sports. Each one bonds with people differently, but the common thread is that your RA wants to connect with you and help you connect to others.

Surviving UCSB Finals

Finals week at UCSB is upon us. It gets intense as the time ticks away while you’re studying and staying up all night. I know that the most logical thing to do is to study as much as you can and cram the night before, since it worked for midterms. (Let’s hope!) However, you can always take an alternative route not as detrimental to your mind and body. Here are some helpful tips for surviving finals.

  1. Stock up on drinks. Students usually make sure they load up on snacks during this demanding week. Stress eating is very dangerous, so reach for a drink instead. Dehydration can affect your concentration and cognition. Water is refreshing, plus it won’t pile on calories.

  2. Make sure that you are sitting at a desk. Studying on your comfy bed can seem like the best idea in the world, but oftentimes I find myself falling asleep after a couple hours. A bed is such an amazing product, but not if you want to get some serious studying done!

  3. Don’t push yourself too hard. Working hard is highly valued, but if you’re on the urge of falling asleep and constantly trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the night, just go to bed and take a nap. The information may not stick, even if you’re studying as hard as you can.

  4. Take advantage of Tropicana’s healthy snacks. Take an apple or banana for your study session later. Or take a break and come to the Café for finals week study snacks. Study snacks are a highly valued perk; thank you, Tropicana!

I know you will study the best you can and I hope you will do great on your final exams. Keep your head clear and goals straight, because distractions will rise – especially since there is a new 7-Eleven in Isla Vista that’s open 24 hours. Another opportunity to go grab a Slurpee when you feel like you need a study break.

Healthy Eating in the Trop Café

Upon entering college, I have to admit that the thought of gaining the “Freshman 15” was consistently entering my mind. Discussions of the typical college student diet were abundant, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only student out there that was convinced eating healthy in a dorm was nearly impossible. Every student faces the transition from enjoying home cooked, wholesome meals to the stereotypical “dorm food diet.” As a student athlete, I figured I had no reason to focus much attention on my diet; exercise is enough, right? Wrong. After hours of research and goal setting, I made a commitment to myself to maintain a nourishing lifestyle, which included eating as natural and “clean” as possible (whole, unprocessed foods). Small changes and a gradual incorporation of this eating style allow for the process to be exciting and extremely self-rewarding. So where did I start? Here are a few introductory tips I always kept in mind.

  1. Make vegetables your focus. The salad bar is at the start of the food line, so I always fill my plate with the most nutritiously dense vegetables, and make the heavier entrees my sides. Skip the premade potato salad and pasta salads to keep things raw. To make your salad even healthier, skip the fat- and calorie-dense dressings and opt for some lemon juice and olive oil, or perhaps olive oil and balsamic. Yum! Top with some sunflower seeds instead of croutons.

  2. Say no to the soda and juice. It’s hard when it’s all right in front of you…I’m aware. Instead, get a glass of water with some fresh lemon slices. If that’s too bland for you, try a glass of unsweetened ice tea that is located next to the soda machines. No sugar-filled sweet teas for me! To meet your calcium needs, have a glass of low fat milk, skim milk, or even some soy milk.

  3. Order from the grill. My favorite is the grilled chicken sandwich but be sure to write “without bun” on your grill order slip. The bun is purely bleached wheat and is just an empty carb without a lot of nutritious value. With this you get a grilled chicken breast which I occasionally top with some salsa or cut it up and throw it in my salad! The fries and quesadillas are tempting, but again they lack in nutritious value.

  4. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. The omelet station is great, but there are tricks to create a more nutritious omelet.

    – First, even before they start your order, nicely request for the cook to use olive oil. Olive oil is a heart healthy substitute which includes monounsaturated fats (good fats!) along with vitamin E & K.

    – Politely ask for them to make your omelet with whole eggs. If you want a big omelet, maybe try asking for 2 whole eggs and some egg whites as well to keep down your intake of yolks.

    – Skip the cheese. If you can’t eat eggs without cheese, ask for no cheese and then sprinkle some on your eggs yourself afterwards. The cooks are usually overly generous with the amount of cheese they put on.

    – Fill up your omelet with vegetables to make it a meal that fulfills a part of your daily recommended vegetable servings.

  5. Don’t fall into the myth that cereals are healthy. They aren’t. Can Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Puffs really be as nutritional as the commercials say they are? No, they’re loaded with sugar and lack nutritious content. Try PLAIN yogurt with some fruit, honey, nuts, and some cinnamon. Top it off with some granola, but remember moderation is key. Although granola is a whole grain, it tends to be high in sugar and fat. An average cup of granola has approximately 600 calories! So be sure to use it only as a topping.

  6. Utilize the spice rack! I cannot stress this enough. Do you often find your food lacking in flavor? Do you find yourself reaching for the salt, or adding on blobs of dressing, sour cream, butter, cream cheese or whatever else we college students find to enhance the taste? That’s the problem. Spice up your steamed vegetables, salad, grilled chicken, or soup with the numerous bottles of spices Trop Café offers. My personal favorites are oregano, basil and, in the mornings, cinnamon. These are natural flavor enhancements that you’ll never have to feel guilty about.

    Eating healthy may be difficult in a cafeteria when there are unhealthy options in front of you that are hard to resist, but it is not impossible. Make some goals, commit to slight changes, do some of your own research and stay focused. It’s truly not that bad once you get going. Trust me, I had to start from the bottom and build up. And remember, that Tropicana Del Norte’s fitness center is open til midnight every day for you to further your goals. A 10 minute workout is better than 10 minutes of sitting on your couch watching TV, eating Cup Noodles and chips!